first day of classes was yesterday and i've got homework already. bummer. not too bad though, just some reading for my world history class.
and just for fun, after poking around in the library for a while i finally found the photography section. i was like a kid in a candy store for about a half hour. i ended up with "photobooth," a compilation of old old photobooth pictures, "in/sights," self-portraits by women, and a huge book on the early years of edward steichen. i'm not too familiar with his work (hence the book) but i believe he used a collodial camera, which produces a beautiful, dreamlike image. i can't wait to read them.
lately i've been really smitten with my boyfriend. we've only been dating a month and change, but he's amazing. the cheese to my macaroni. the only problem is, he's four hours away now that i'm at school. absence makes the heart fonder? i can't stop thinking about him.
i wish i could write love songs.

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